CCTV is popular these days. Every other restaurant, mall, or shop has at least one watching in the background. Even private residences have embraced this security solution.
But is it a good idea for YOUR home or business? Here are some benefits that can help you decide.
It acts as a crime deterrent. A good percentage of criminal actions happen due to opportunity rather than need. This means someone might decide to pick your house or store to rob because it’s more convenient and poses limited risks – no CCTV, no guards, less foot traffic thus less witness.
Having a CCTV camera – functioning or not – installed somewhere readily visible deters potential thieves and other criminals from targeting your home or place of business.
It provides evidence. In case the criminal action is caused by need wherein the perpetrator doesn’t care if they get caught or not, a CCTV security solution can help local authorities by providing visual evidence, which will hasten prosecution.
It’s also a good opportunity for you to check which areas of your establishment has a security weakness and help you plan a way to strengthen it.
Video recordings from CCTV cameras can even settle simple disputes between family members, neighbors, or customers. Parents can check the videos to confirm who accidentally broke the expensive vase, a homeowner can confirm which neighborhood dog trampled their garden, and a business owner can show evidence to the contrary when faced with an untrue negative review.
It gives peace of mind. Just having a CCTV in your home or building, mounted somewhere that can easily be seen, gives residents and visitors a sense of protection.
If you own a restaurant or a shop and you make sure that people know your place is using CCTV as a security solution, your customer will have more confidence in visiting your place and recommending you to their family and friends. All things being equal, a business that thinks of its clients’ security will earn their loyalty over establishments that only rely on positive thinking.
It allows remote monitoring. If you’re running late for work or traveling and you want to check in how your family or employees are doing, having a CCTV installed allows you to see what’s going on without having to be there. No need to call every other minute to get an update, you can just remotely access your security feed and see what’s happening yourself.
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